This project is suitable for all ages from 4 years upwards, even for those children who are not yet able to read.
In the era of COVID-19, this moment of "forced imprisonment", a project was carried out in "Metaverso", a fun and healthy alternative to couch, smartphones, video games and TV.
Let's play together to keep fit, develop coordination, balance, speed, joint mobility, responsiveness and dissociation of lower and upper limbs and, why not, to do a little DIY together, making us feel more united and relaxed.
To make it more interesting and enjoyable, you could also try exercising in front of the mirror!
Don't worry if you find it hard in the beginning, it will get easier as your shape improves, reducing your stress and creating great family cohesion!
Sports is not just a way of life, it's life!
Thanks TO diego!
We greet and thank Diego Martino, a graduate in Motor Sciences, who dedicated his time, as a university trainee, to the realisation of this project, which was also the subject of his university specialisation thesis for him.
Thanks TO SOFIA!
We also greet and thank, for the time dedicated, Sofia Santoro, a high school student.
For her help in traslating from Italian to English, thanks to Christine Guilbault.
This is the card to compete against yourself and measure the degree of daily improvement.
Download and print, the fun is about to begin!