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C - Challenge yourself and beat your records, keep track of your results on a daily basis and register your record at the end of the week. Your biggest challenge is to beat yourself! That's the only way to get better! Count how many times, in a row or in a given time, you can complete the exercise:
Roll a ball around your head (count the number of full rotations in 30 seconds). Video 51
Roll a ball around your waist (count the number of full rotations in 30 seconds). Video 52
Legs together, roll a ball around your knees (count the number of full rotations in 30 seconds). Video 53
Pass a ball back and forth between your hands (count how many times it passes under the legs before it falls). Video 55
Legs apart, half-bent, roll a ball completing in an 8 figure around the knees (count the number of full figures in 30 seconds). Video 54
Pass a ball back and forth over your head between from one hand to the other (count how many times the ball is passed over the head before it falls). Video 56
Legs apart, half-bent, dribble a ball doing an 8 between and around your legs (count how many full figures you complete in 30 seconds). Video 57
With hands behind your back, dribble a ball passing it from hand to hand (count the number of successful dribbles in 30 seconds). Video 58
Crossover in place (count how many consecutive dribbles you completed). Video 59